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"I'll meet you by the third pyramid
I'll meet you by the third pyramid
Ah come on, that's what I want,
We'll meet in Mesopotamia. Oh oh oh"
The B-52's Mesopotamia, 1982
Third Pyramid Press incorporates publishing, clothing and accessories inherently inspired by music, art and subculture. TPP has a strong focus on limited print runs and unique handmade pieces, often using silkscreen, alternative photographic techniques and hand dyeing. It is run by Gina Baber.
The first A6 pamphlet from Third Pyramid Press is Love Poems by Gina Baber.
Printed in an edition of 100 on neon pink paper with bookmark and sticker. Rubber stamped and numbered. The first 50 orders come with neon risograph printed postcards.
*Third Pyramid Press and Love Poems will be launched in December 2026 with an exhibition at Pictorem Gallery, Walthamstow. More information to follow*
Third Pyramid Press
Third Pyramid Press Gina Baber


A Paratextual and Bibliographical Study of 'Howl' by Allen Ginsberg
Selection of slides and quotes from a presentation at the Post-war Printing Conference
11th October, 2019. Weston Library, University of Oxford
Read the paper here
"The priestly ex-book-thief arrived and thrust a small black and white book into my hand...I took it and flipped it open...and found myself in the middle of Howl...turned to the beginning and was caught up immediately in that sad, powerful opening...I knew that this Allen Ginsberg...had broken ground for all of us - simply by getting this published."
- Diane di Prima Memoirs of a Beatnik, 1969

"The pamphlet, pocket size format, and stapled binding of the Pocket Poets Series is very important in the association with countercultural and alternative literature."
" is important to remember that in 1956 when Howl and Other Poems appeared, the Paperback Revolution had yet to occur. For City Lights to sell and publish nothing but paperbacks was a culturally meaningful act, a way of creating a counter-canon that meshed perfectly with the Beats' anti materialist and counter modernist aesthetic."

Paris Olympia Press: A Bibliographical and Sociohistorical Study of the Traveller’s Companion Series and its Readers
Read the paper here
"The cover design for Howl and Other Poems, creates a 'series emblem' and immediate association with alternative poetry; independent publishing; the San Francisco Scene; Beat Poets; and the Counterculture - a reader of the Pocket Poets Series and Howl would perhaps feel a part of this 'scene,' creating a sense of cultural inclusivity and identity."

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